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Michael Vincent Michaud

New York, United States

Michael has studies extensively with some of America's finest glass artists at various installations including the prestigious
Corning and Urban glass programs. He experienced first-hand the art of creating handmade jewelry and metal objects
as a young man. Surrounded by the skilled craftsmen at his father's studio, he envisioned combining the master craftsmanship
of his fathers with his own true love of "art glass". In 2011, Michael and his brother, Shane Michaud, who manages the
business, launched Michael Vincent Michaud with the Spring 2011 collection of exceptional cast metal and luminous hand-cast
glass designs. The glass piece they create resemble sea glass. The Michaud brothers designs are cast in bronze layered in gold
and silver All the pieces are handmade with care and high quality materials. All the glass elements are cast or flameworked by hand.